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Winter Car Essentials
It might feel slightly warmer this January, but Winter officially began on the 21st December. The winter season comes with its natural dangers, and driving during these winter months can be tricky, requiring some preparation before every journey you make. We’ve put together a list of some of our top winter car essentials you need to stay safe and warm when driving.
De-icer & Ice-scraper
First things first is to make sure you have a clear view out of the vehicle in all directions. Different ways of melting the ice off your car windows include using de-icer sprays, ice-scrapers, or using the natural heat from the engine. Make sure you avoid pouring boiling hot water straight onto the freezing glass as this can cause cracks due to the extremity of the opposite temperatures.
Fully Charged Mobile Phone
Extreme weather conditions are more likely to cause accidents, breakdowns, and heavy traffic. It’s best to make sure your mobile phone is fully charged when you set off so if you do happen to get stuck, you can contact who you need to. Remember, never use a mobile phone when driving. Always pull over where possible and stop the vehicle.
Hot Drink
Keeping the car warm is one thing, but what about you? Again, in case of delays and disruptions we advise to keep a drink onboard to stay hydrated, and preferably a hot one to keep you warm during the colder months of the year.
Likewise, keeping food onboard is crucial for when those seriously long unexpected delays present themselves. We advise packing something substantial and filling like a sandwich, rather than relying on sweets.
First Aid Kit
Dealing with ice and ice-scrapers can lead to risk of cuts and burns. Having access to a basic first aid kit containing plasters, tablets, cleaning wipes, and creams, will help you and others instantly.
High Vis Jacket & Warning Triangle
Stand out for your safety and the safety of others. The winter months can reduce visibility significantly, and if you do happen to breakdown, you want other drivers to be aware of both you and your vehicle.
Warm Clothing / Blankets
Sometimes those short journeys can turn into long journeys. As well as being appropriately dressed, it’s always worth having some extra layers in the car if you need them. A heavy duty coat, a fleece, or a blanket are all ideal extras to have on standby in case you need that extra layer. Check out our accessories and merchandise collection for some good ideas.
Plenty of Fuel
This may seem like an obvious one, but the colder conditions makes the engine works harder, thus burning through more fuel at a faster rate. Don’t get caught out, and always remember to double check the fuel level before each journey to ensure you have enough.
Tyre Inflator
As the temperature drops in winter, you may notice that your tyre pressure light pops up more often than usual. This is normal, so it would be wise to keep a tyre inflator in the boot of your car in case of emergencies.
If you come across a puncture while on a drive and your tyre hasn't completely blown yet, you can top up your tyre pressures to get you home safely.
This one is for those extreme conditions such as heavy snow. It’s common for vehicles to get stuck in deep snow after being sat in a traffic for a while. Having a spade onboard will dig you out of that hole.
Breaking down when it’s dark can make the situation even more difficult. Using a trusty torch to give yourself a clear view of what’s going on is so helpful when visibility is drastically reduced. It’s also a really helpful item to have in case your mobile phone dies, as you can use it to attract attention from others. Remember, always pack spare batteries! We hope you found some of our best tips on Winter Car Essentials useful to stay safe and warm this winter. Another way we help you do this is by offering our Winter Health Check, where our expert technicians examine your vehicle to ensure it’s in perfect condition for the winter conditions.