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Meet the Team: Donna Discombe, General Sales Manager

22 Oct 2021

In this month's Meet the Team chapter we meet Donna Discombe, General Sales Manager in our Fleet team. Donna talks us through how long she's worked for Mercedes-Benz South West, what's at the top of her bucket list, and what her favourite film is.

Tell us a bit about yourself Donna: I have lived in Devon all my life and have always loved this part of the country. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I have an 11 year old boy, Harrison, who is very much into his sports so any spare time I have I spend with my Husband at the side of a football pitch watching Harrison play.

Where are you from? Born in Devon.

How long have you been working at Mercedes-Benz South West? I have been here a while now... 18 years in fact!

Favourite Mercedes-Benz model? That’s a tricky one, I would have to say the AMG GT Coupe. I had the pleasure of driving one down to Sandy Park and it was fantastic but with my practical head on I do like the Marco Polo.

Most memorable day at work you’ve ever had? I do have a lot of good memories from over the years, my earliest is when the Fleet Department were located in Exeter and we were a small team of 7 and we had a record quarter – that was a really good feeling. My latest memorable day is when I found out I had been successful in being promoted from an Account Manager to a Management role.

Have you always been in the motor trade? What did you do before? Yes I have always been in the motor trade. Not something that I set out to do from leaving sixth form but I was a little lost in the career path I wanted to go down and a family friend offered me a job at VW and I have stayed in the trade ever since.

Favourite part of the job? I have loved being a part of the Fleet Department and watching us grow throughout the last 15 years. Working with a team of people who are forward thinking and always wanting to strive for more is really motivating.

What’s your favourite animal? Do you have any pets? Sorry to all those pet lovers but I am not an animal lover and cannot even think if I even do have a favourite pet...

Best holiday you’ve ever been on? 3 weeks touring Australia with my Husband and Son in a campervan. It was such a great experience and something I would very much like to do again!

How many attempts did it take you to pass your driving test? Twice unfortunately. I failed on my first attempt slamming my foot down on the accelerator rather than brake in an emergency stop.

Which radio station are you listening to when you drive? Heart, Kiss, and Radio 1

Favourite place to visit in the South West? My Husband and Son surf and we are always in North Devon during the summer months which is a beautiful part of the country - Saunton Sands is one of my favourites.

Favourite Film? Titanic.

Favourite Band/Artist? I enjoy all types of music from a bit of Mumford and Sons to Little Mix.

First concert you ever went to? I haven’t been to watch anyone in concert but I did attend Carfest a couple of years ago hosted by Chris Evans – all about cars in the day and the evening featured artists like Kaiser Chiefs and  Judge Jules – about 25,000 people attend so I would class that as a concert.

Tipple of choice? Glass of fizz!

What would be your Karaoke song? I don’t have one and trust me no one needs to hear me sing...

If the world ends tomorrow, what would you choose as your last meal? A medium fillet Steak with a pepper corn sauce.

What’s at the top of your bucket list? I don’t have a bucket list, I live in the moment and if you plan to do something always make sure you do it!

What are you most looking forward to this year? With only a few months left of the year I think I am just looking forward to a break at Christmas and spending some quality time with my family.

Finally… Jam then cream, or cream then jam? I am not fussy on this, it’s the quality of the fizz that goes with the afternoon tea I am fussier about!  

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