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Meet the Team: David Palmer, New Car Processing Manager

27 Jan 2021

In our latest Meet the Team installment we caught up with David Palmer, New Car Stock Manager from Site 5 in Exeter. In this edition we learn about David’s most memorable day at work and the road trip on his bucket list.

Tell us a bit about yourself David: I am married to Kim (who also works at Site 5 in Exeter) and we have two grown-up children (Sophie who is a nurse in London and Richard who is a tattoo artist in Plymouth) and one grandchild (Phoebe who is 18 months old and perfect!).

Where are you from? I was born in Yorkshire and grew up in Devon.

How long have you been working at Mercedes-Benz South West? I joined in 2003. Favourite Mercedes-Benz model? (old or new) The 1969 SL280 (W113 – Pagoda). Most memorable day at work you’ve ever had? Whilst working in Paignton, I had an incident with a new C-Class and a large puddle.  I won’t elaborate but the car was repaired and then subsequently referred to as the ‘sub’.

Have you always been in the motor trade? I worked for Barclays Bank for 14 years until 1996 when I joined Mercedes-Benz in Paignton as a salesman.

Favourite part of the job? I enjoy seeing the new models and innovations coming through.

 Do you have any pets?  We had a cat who lived until she was 24 but now we are used to not having to tidy up after her so no replacement is imminent.

Best holiday you’ve ever been on? There are lots of nice ones but Florida with the kids when they were in their 20’s was unexpected and just great fun.

How many attempts did it take you to pass your driving test? One (I got lucky!) Which radio station are you listening to when you drive?  Smooth Country (don’t judge!)

Favourite place to visit in the South West? Meadfoot Beach in Torquay.

Favourite Film? The Fifth Element.

Favourite Band/Artist? The Cabarats (my son’s band so I’m obliged).

First concert you ever went to? Genesis at Wembley in 1987.

Tipple of choice? Bays Gold.

What would be your Karaoke song? Bat Out of Hell – Meatloaf (but I would need to have had a few drinks first).

If the world ends tomorrow, what would you choose as your last meal? Christmas Dinner with all the family and all the trimmings.

What’s at the top of your bucket list? Rebooking our cancelled Texas road trip from May 2020.

What are you most looking forward to this year? Life returning to normal and seeing family and friends whenever we want to.

Finally… Jam then cream, or cream then jam? Jam then cream so you can pile on the cream!

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